If you are looking to be a part of an organization that focuses on bringing law enforcement and criminal justice professionals together who share a goal of addressing the growing issue of gangs and gang crime in our state?
AGIA was founded to address these issues. When you become a member, you gain access to multi-agency intel information and updates, networking opportunities around the state and provided with elite training opportunities.
Want to become a member?
You can submit your application and credentials by:
Registering Online
- Complete online Registration Form and upload credentials in form
Email Registration
- Download and complete Application Form
- Email completed Application and copy of credentials to [email protected]
Mail in Registration
- Download and complete Application Form
- Make copy of credentials
- Mail to address on the Application Form
Qualifying Membership Categories:
- Certified Law Enforcement Officer
- Retired Law Enforcement Officer in Good Standing
- Probation/Parole
- Corrections
- Juvenile Justice
- Intelligence Personnel
- Prosecuting Attorneys
- Judges
- Crime/Intelligence Analyst
- Evidence Technicians for a Law Enforcement Agency
- And/Or any other person deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors